Posts Tagged ‘Tiphaine Chocolat’

A Lesson in Marshmallow Making

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
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Marie-Hélène Gantois (left) and Tiphaine Corvez (right)

Marie-Hélène Gantois (left)
Tiphaine Corvez (right)
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Tiphaine Corvez of Tiphaine Chocolat recently gave a marshmallow-making demonstration at Mococha, the chocolate shop of Marie-Hélène Gantois.

Placing Ingredients into a Pot

Placing Ingredients into a Pot
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Tiphaine made two batches: red current and vanilla.

Vanilla-flavored Marshmallow

Vanilla-flavored Marshmallow
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After the flavoring, glycerin, and sugar were cooked, they were combined with whipped egg white in a mixing bowl.

Pouring Vanilla Marshmallow into Mold

Pouring the Marshmallow into a Mold
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The finished marshmallow was poured from the bowl into a mold.

Spreading Vanilla Marshmallow in Mold

Spreading the Marshmallow with a Spatula
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Tiphaine carefully leveled the marshmallow with a spatula.

Cutting Marshmallow into Cubes

Cutting Marshmallow into Cubes
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Then, she removed it from the mold and cut it into cubes.

Portrait of a Marshmallow

Portrait of a Marshmallow
Just Seconds Before it Was Popped into the Mouth

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Eager Fingers Reached for Samples

Eager Fingers Reach for Samples
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Celebrating the Joy of Making Marshmallows

Celebrating the Joy of Making Marshmallows
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A good time was had by all!

* * * * * * *
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