Two weeks ago, Monique and I attended a cocktail party at Nose, a perfume shop for men and women.
The event had been organized to raise money for Movember, a men’s health organization.
We got there a bit early, just before the hip crowd arrived, and were able to make our way up to the bar almost unimpeded.
I ordered a beverage called Souviens-toi d’Acapulco? (Do You Remember Acapulco?), a cocktail made with Monkey Shoulder whiskey, for each of us. It was a refreshing drink, and although I couldn’t recall having ever been to Acapulco, I returned to the bar to order another. Might a second one jog my memory?
Then we strolled about sniffing perfume. I had already purchased a bottle of D.R. Harris Arlington Cologne from Nose a few weeks before. That’s how I got an invitation to the event.
We met Margot, who works in the Nose marketing department.
We saw a man who I thought might be portraying a journalist because he was taking notes. I learned later that he was there to recite poetry. We didn’t stay long enough to hear him.
We met Brice and Régis Abby, a pair of twins who seemed to be enjoying life as lookalikes.
A man circulated through the store selling fresh oysters at 2€ each. Proceeds went to the Movember cancer research fund.
And while Monique went to the front of the store to watch a man tap dancing to the music of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington…
…I was in the back, preparing for a shave.
Coming up next: a blog in which I recount my close encounter with a straight-edge razor. (Caution: not for the timid!)