Posts Tagged ‘Caroline Nin’

Caroline Nin Sings Edith Piaf

Friday, April 24th, 2015
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Caroline Nin

Caroline Nin
Photograph courtesy of Caroline Nin

French chanteuse Caroline Nin opened a one-woman show last night at the Essaïon Theater, singing many of the famous cabaret songs of Edith Piaf. During the performance she recounted anecdotes from Piaf’s life, giving the audience an appreciation of the epoch in which she lived and the events that shaped her. I particularly enjoyed hearing Nin sing Mon Légionnaire, the haunting account of Piaf’s one-night stand with a French legionnaire whom she met in a bar.

Knowing next to nothing about Piaf’s life before I saw Nin’s show, I was intrigued to learn about some of its gritty details.

Nin will perform Thursday evenings in French and Friday and Saturday evenings in English through August 1st. For booking information in English, click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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