Tasting Sidamo at Nouvelle Torréfaction

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Nouvelle Torréfaction
Photo by www.DiscoverParis.net

Recently, I stopped by the Nouvelle Torréfaction coffee-roasting boutique while doing research in the Goutte d’Or neighborhood for a guided walking tour.

Prices of fresh-roasted coffee here are quite reasonable compared to the prices that I have been paying at other shops around town. I purchased 250 grams of whole-bean Ethiopian Mocha Sidamo for 3.20€. At the shop in my neighborhood where I normally buy coffee, 250 grams of Sidamo costs 6.80€.

Curious as to whether there might be a difference in quality between the lower-priced Sidamo and the higher-priced one, I purchased the same amount from my customary shop. Taking both back to my place, I brewed them separately in a French press and tasted them. Both have a full-bodied bitter-chocolate flavor. The only difference that I could detect was that the Sidamo from Nouvelle Torréfaction tasted slightly sweet, not at all unpleasant.

Naturally, I favor paying the lower price over a higher one for what seems to be the same coffee, but, alas, the savings in price is defeated by the length of time that it takes to get to the Goutte d’Or neighborhood—45 minutes by metro!

Coffee-Roasting Machine
at Nouvelle Torréfaction
Photo by www.DiscoverParis.net

Nouvelle Torréfaction
14 Rue Poissonniers
75018 Paris

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