Just Released: Black Paris Profiles™ by Monique Y. Wells

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If you are thinking about moving to Paris or wondering what it is like to live there, then you’ll want to get your copy of Black Paris Profiles™ right away!

Black Paris Profiles™ presents the stories of 16 contemporary African-American and black Caribbean expatriates as told to Monique Y. Wells for our Entrée to Black Paris™ blog. Their lives are rich, uncommon, and complex and their inspiring tales are certain to shatter any stereotypes that you may hold about life as a black person in Paris. Counter to the prevailing tendency for works about the “Black Paris” expatriate experience to focus on men, more than half of the stories presented are about women.

Nowhere else can you find the viewpoints on forging a successful life abroad in today’s world that each chapter reveals! Our 62-page e-book in PDF format contains color photos and clickable links to sites with additional articles and images that enliven the accounts of these fascinating people.

Click here to place your order now!

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